prepping for motherhood <3

We do not talk enough about the transition from maiden to mother and preparing physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I cannot wait to be pregnant, to birth my future babies and to be a mother. Over the last two years I have shifted many things in my life in preparation for motherhood. Those who know me might be thinking ‘well you have to find a partner/husband first’, which is true, and I’m confident that the father of my future babies will step into my life when the time is right. <3 Until then, I will continue to live and act as though I will be getting pregnant tomorrow. I know nothing can truly prepare me for the expansive, transformative and unveiling period that motherhood will be, but I can focus on being the most vital being I can be before I create and birth a human into this world.

Here is what I have been focusing on:

1. Foundations of vitality: **you must start here!!**

When I started to prioritize these, my life drastically changed. I have more energy, I am more connected, I have beautiful relationships, I can observe, feel and move through my emotions.

  • Sunlight- daily, preferably morning—I try to bask in the sun post breakfast and do a walk in the afternoon

*vitamin D is essential for immune health and mitochondrial activity (energy)

  • Sleep- 8 to 10 hours per night —sleep is not only for the body to rest but also to detox, repair and rejuvenate. Women require more sleep than men.

    *yoga Nidra or meditation to help, and minimize blue light exposure when sun goes down

  • Nourishment- at least 3 well-balanced, nutrient dense meals per day; ingredients matter. For me this means eating whole foods and prioritizing animal protein/fat in every meal.

*proper nutrient intake is crucial for hormone regulation

  • Hydration/minerals- drink mineralized water or add minerals to water

*hydration also comes from fruit, veggies, and bone broth

  • Movement- minimum of 1 mile walk daily, 2 strength training per week, 2-3 days of low impact exercise per week

*connecting with breath during movement—our breath is our life force and power!

  • Nervous system regulation- regular vitalistic chiropractic adjustments


  • Nature- daily (sun, moon, trees and grass count!)

*I travel out of Dallas at least every other month to recharge in nature

  • Love-operate from the heart space

*life is a balance between the intuitive heart and the thinking mind

2. Connecting with my feminine:

I am learning and leaning into more play, dance, laughter, flow, love, as well as creating and receiving. I’ve ditched the strict routines and alarms (when I can), and minimized my daily to-do lists. I’m fully embracing vulnerability, feeling and expressing my emotions as they come up and allowing them to move through me.

I’ve focused on connecting with my body, touching my body, loving my body, and honoring my body. I use practices like dry brushing, gua sha, and yoni steaming to deepen that connection

I have cultivated solid female friendships/sisterhoods with women who I know would support me during any phase of the perinatal period. These are women who I would have full trust in with my babies. It takes a village to raise a mother and I’m so grateful for the village that encircles me.

3. Ditching/minimizing toxins:

Our bodies are already working hard to detox our toxic environment so let’s not make it work any harder. The big toxins that we can control in our life are fragrance, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, recreational drugs, food dyes and preservatives, synthetic additives to makeup/skin care, and plastics!

Fragrance is the number one hormone disrupter, so I literally just got rid of it. It’s in cleaning products, laundry products, skincare, body wash, makeup, lotions, hand soaps, perfumes, room sprays, candles, hair care and probably more.

I also stopped drinking alcohol and feel so much more alive. Alcohol is a toxin, circadian disruptor and emotional depressant.

I try to buy organic produce, consume quality animal products, and I read almost every label to avoid the major additives, dyes and preservatives. I also make 95% of my meals at home. I ditched all the plastic containers (even lids) and use only glass for food storage and stainless steel for cooking.

4. Connecting with my menstrual cycle

I am understanding and getting to know my cycle, without a device or app telling me whats happening; truly connecting with my body. I try to live according to my cycle and honor its natural rhythms. I free bleed and use period underwear instead of toxic tampons, pads or cups. I pay attention to my cervical mucous and know when I ovulate. I have worked on pelvic floor opening and softening through movement and breath.

5. Tapping into my intuition

Intuition is not developed it is just blocked. I’ve worked to silence and rid the external noise so I can hear my truth. I feel into my body when making big decisions, or any decision rather. I start and end my days in silence and gratitude. I lean in and listen when my body is speaking to me through symptoms or anxiety. I connect with source, god, universe.

6. Clearing out

I’ve looked at my relationships (friends, family, colleagues), and shed and set boundaries. If someone doesn’t make me feel loved, seen, heard, or respected then they don’t belong in my circle.

I’m on a continual journey of decluttering and purging, making energetic space for my future family. This is actually something I’ve done intuitively my whole life; little Madison knew the environment mattered (I’m a reflector for those who are into human design).

Getting rid of the noise. Anything that was keeping me from hearing my inner voice needed to go. I’ve been rewriting my internal dialogue and ridding any self-limiting beliefs or behaviors. I also cleaned up my social media following. We are what we consume.

7. No more living in fear

Fear is said to be the root of all dis-ease. When I started trusting everything, I started fearing nothing. I trust in my body’s innate ability to heal, thrive and grow. I trust in the timing of my life. I trust that I am already on the path and open to all of the potential. I trust that I am divinely protected.


we don’t need to be saved, we need to be loved